John is an award-winning author, innovative storyteller, and technology navigator who inspires creativity through many voices.
Read the ramblings, listen to the little voices, or share some stories.
Hello again…so, what happened to the momentum you maybe asking. Well, let me just share that once you start sharing things with others to provide you feedback, things can change. Sometimes, there are small changes and sometimes there are larger changes. For the last few months, the changes have been on the larger side.
Turns out that when you start writing a book with a certain plot and audience in mind and realize that your target audience may not be what you think it is, major changes ...
As I have tried to focus and figure out the next words to capture, the inner voices seemed to get a little distracted or confused. Many times when I sit down to write or create, I hear other thoughts circulate with the storyline. As I reflect on the impact, I am beginning to think it may be the copious amounts of meetings I need to attend during a given day and even possibly the 20+ podcasts to which I listen.
The meetings are a given, so I will continue to separate out the content. ...
A while ago, OK a long while ago, people used to visit a fast food chain drive thru to hear familiar cartoon characters take their order through a very poor excuse for a speaker. A frog, mouse, and various other animated animals would come to life and ask each customer if they would like fries with their meal.
I had a strong connection to those voices. So strong, I was encouraged to follow a path of the cartoon characters. Well, maybe not the exact path since that would involve some ...
When you sit down to write, you can simply continue writing or you can constantly pause to fill in the gaps. It seems that no matter how small the or large the gap is, the desire to mind/mend the gap is a bit overwhelming.
Mid way through a chapter, I find myself rereading previous words. This occurs not just for the current chapter, but the previous one as well. As I read, the voice of one of my former teachers enters my head: Create, don't state.
Well, that is easier said then ...
Chapter one down and so many more to go...Some of those reading this might say, “What took you so long?”
Well, I’ll tell you what took so long…I don’t know really. It is tough to say. The chapter was outlined and mostly written weeks ago. However, so some reason, I would sit and look at a flashing cursor, write a few sentences, and pause…for long periods of time. It really wasn’t making any sense. I knew where I wanted to head with the dialogue and where the story needed to start. ...
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