
Too Many Inner Conversations - Podcasts and People
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As I have tried to focus and figure out the next words to capture, the inner voices seemed to get a little distracted or confused. Many times when I sit down to write or create, I hear other thoughts circulate with the storyline. As I reflect on the impact, I am beginning to think it may be the copious amounts of meetings I need to attend during a given day and even possibly the 20+ podcasts to which I listen.

The meetings are a given, so I will continue to separate out the content. ...

Animation Desk
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A while ago, OK a long while ago, people used to visit a fast food chain drive thru to hear familiar cartoon characters take their order through a very poor excuse for a speaker. A frog, mouse, and various other animated animals would come to life and ask each customer if they would like fries with their meal.

I had a strong connection to those voices. So strong, I was encouraged to follow a path of the cartoon characters. Well, maybe not the exact path since that would involve some ...

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